
How to successfully build an app to sell digital products

The market demand for content creation is higher than ever. With the rise of social media, businesses need a constant flow of quality content to keep their brand relevant, engage customers, and optimize their digital presence. This means that content creators have become highly sought-after professionals in industries ranging from technology to entertainment. 


By understanding the key components of effective content strategy and creating aesthetically pleasing visuals with high-quality writing, content creators can easily draw attention to their business and increase its online visibility. As an individual content creator, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the growing need for digital content. Creating an app to monetize your content could be a great way to start your business in 2023. 


Should you build a no-code app to sell your digital products? 

No-code app building is an unbelievably useful tool for users who don’t have in-depth coding skills but still want to create an app of their own. No-code apps are simplified and easy to build, allowing anyone—regardless of experience—to drag, drop, and customize features within a prebuilt framework. This makes the process of creating a no-code app significantly faster than if you were to code it from scratch, enabling you to quickly create an app that works on both iOS and Android operating systems. Moreover, no-code apps are cost-effective too—once build, it saves you the money of hiring expensive developers for long development cycles. 


How to build a digital product app? 


Building a digital product app can seem intimidating for first-timers, but it’s relatively straightforward if you break it down into smaller steps. 

  • Decide what kind of app you want to build, 
  • Validate your idea by researching potential competitors and talking to people to evaluate potential demand for the idea, as well as doing market testing to ensure that it will be successful. This helps weed out weak ideas and refine existing concepts before investing much time or money in a project. 
  • Create an outline including features you’d like to include. The process provides an opportunity to check if users need a specific type of problem-solving with your app and can help you identify key features and functionality needed in order to create something better than what’s already on the market. Ultimately, it comes down to understanding what will add value for users so they’re more likely to download and use your app after launch.


Must have features in a digital product application 


When it comes to mobile applications, there are some key features that should not be overlooked, especially for a digital product app. Here are our tip picks for features you must have in your app. 


  • Usability is paramount; the app must be easy to use and intuitive for the user. Ensure that the user experience matches the needs of your target audience; provide intuitive navigation and design, easy access to all required information, and logical placement of content
  • Security is also a must, so any application should include elements such as data encryption and two-factor authentication options for account protection.
  • Additionally, app design should prioritize clean navigation and attractive visuals to create a great user experience. 
  • Make sure your product is optimized for different screen sizes and devices as most people are likely to be accessing your website or app on mobile devices. 
  • Take into account responsive design elements such as easy-to-use forms or scrolling features; you’ll want an interface that fits all types of users no matter their skill level or technical expertise
  • Finally, the app should have timely updates to ensure optimal performance on new devices and bug fixes when required. All of these features come together to make sure your users stay engaged and your mobile app provides value to their lives.

Following these basic principles will help you create a strong digital product app that resonates with its intended audience.


Steps to creating a digital product app using Mobilzer 

Mobilzer allows you to build a digital product app without any coding knowledge. Most of our clients have reported that they were able to create their apps within only a few minutes. The dashboard is designed to offer you a seamless experience so that you can quickly build both progressive web apps and native apps. 


Follow these steps to create an app using Mobilzer: 

  • Create an account. You can watch a step-by-step tutorial on our YouTube Channel. 
  • Choose a name for your app
  • Add business info, contact information, and business hours. 
  • Start adding all the features you want to your app 
  • Launch your app 


Features you can enable in your app: 


  • Push notifications: This feature allows you to send regular notifications to your customers to engage with them and send them back to your store. 
  • Loyalty program: If you want to create a loyal community for your brand, you can enable the loyalty program for only $9.99/month. With this feature, you can create a tiered loyalty program to incentivize your most loyal customers to retain them. 
  • Multi-language: You can create your app in multiple languages. Mobilzer currently supports (English, Arabic, Urdu, French, Spanish, and Dutch).


Over to you

If you’re a content creator, then having a mobile app is essential in today’s world. Whether you sell eBooks, audio files, or courses, then an app can allow your customers to access your products in the palm of their hand, making it easier than ever to make transactions, communicate with you, and even book reservations. In addition, developing an app can improve customer loyalty as they’ll keep coming back whenever they need something from you. Finally, having an app ensures that you stay ahead of your competition when it comes to digital innovation and offers a chance for your business to grow even further. If you would like to start your no-coding app development with Mobilzer, you can create an account from here.